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Protect your smartphone with a fingerprint to unlock the home screen, photo gallery, or social apps

Protect your smartphone with a fingerprint to unlock the home screen, photo gallery, or social apps

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Program license: Free

Developer: ibrahim süren


Works under: Android


Program license

(10 votes)




ibrahim süren

Works under:



  • User-friendly interface
  • Advanced app locking features
  • High performance and reliability


  • Premium version required for advanced features

Material Lock - Applock Fingerprint Lock is a robust application offering advanced privacy features for Android users.

Highly Secure and User-friendly

Material Lock - Applock Fingerprint Lock is a powerful security app designed to protect your privacy on your Android device. It uses a combination of password and fingerprint technology, ensuring that your applications are well protected from unauthorized access. The user-friendly interface makes it easy to set up, even for those who are not tech-savvy.

Advanced Locking Features

One of the standout features of Material Lock is its ability to lock individual apps. This means you can secure sensitive apps like your banking or social media applications, without having to lock your entire device. This feature is particularly useful for those who frequently share their devices with others.

Free and Premium Versions

Material Lock - Applock Fingerprint Lock is available in both free and premium versions. The free version offers basic features, ensuring your apps are secure. However, to access the advanced features, a premium subscription is required. Although some users have expressed their desire for the app to be entirely free, we believe that the pricing is justified given the advanced capabilities offered by the premium version.

Performance and Reliability

In terms of performance and reliability, Material Lock - Applock Fingerprint Lock has been reported by users to perform consistently without any glitches. The app locks and unlocks smoothly, without causing any slowdowns or crashes. This high level of performance, combined with its advanced features, make it a reliable choice for those looking for an app lock solution.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, Material Lock - Applock Fingerprint Lock is an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance the privacy of their Android device. The app's user-friendly interface, advanced locking features, and reliable performance make it a standout in the field of app lock applications. However, users should be prepared to pay for the premium version to access all the features.


  • User-friendly interface
  • Advanced app locking features
  • High performance and reliability


  • Premium version required for advanced features